Welcome to
i’m beauty
ProviDing PROFESSIONAL beauty treatments located in stevevage hertFordshire.
Formally kNown as the beauty lounge
in oLd welwyn,
I now have rebranded, renAmed
and relocateD.
I’m beauty Was CreAted to provide a professional, personable service whilst delIvering High Standard beauty treatments.
With 10 years experience in beauty and
a PASSION for tHe industry,
i hope Simply to make all My clients leave feeling happy and BEAUTIFUL.
Offering a wide vaRiety of treatments
Including lvls, eYelash extensions, brow treatments, Gel overlays, manicures, Pedicures, waXing and spray tans.
I have many satisfied and lovely clients who always come bAck for all thEir beaUty needs, and i Would love for you to be one too!
love Isobel xx
Have a look at our full pricelist