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Welcome to
i’m beauty

ProviDing PROFESSIONAL beauty treatments located in stevevage hertFordshire.
Formally kNown as the beauty lounge
in oLd welwyn,
I now have rebranded, renAmed
and relocateD.

I’m beauty Was CreAted to provide a professional, personable service whilst delIvering High Standard beauty treatments.
With 10 years experience in beauty and
a PASSION for tHe industry,
i hope Simply to make all My clients leave feeling happy and BEAUTIFUL.

Offering a wide vaRiety of treatments
Including lvls, eYelash extensions, brow treatments, Gel overlays, manicures, Pedicures, waXing and spray tans.

I have many satisfied and lovely clients who always come bAck for all thEir beaUty needs, and i Would love for you to be one too!

love Isobel xx

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Have a look at our full pricelist




Make time for you!

Come to The i’m beauty room and get
pampered you deserve it!

Our beauty room is Located in the Stevenage area of Hertfordshire.
With lots of satisfied customers and
returning clients, come and relax in our beauty room and
satisfy all your beauty needs.

If you would like any more information,
have a question about a treatment
or want to find out our availability,
get in touch below…